Homeopathy United

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Homeopathy United

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Our Booking PolicyWelcome to Homeopathy United, we look forward to working with you. If you require a time outside of the hours offered, please reach out to HomeopathyUnited@gmail.com 12+ hour cancellation notices are appreciated.

Homeopathic Consult


Homeopathy United is a partnership. Two homeopaths collaborate on cases, offering support and guidance for children, adults, and animals around the world. We address acute and chronic health concerns with nutrition, herbs and classical homeopathy.

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9 reviews
  • Susie·

    Dr. Alex and Rebecca are fantastic to work with. They both have an extensive knowledge of homeopathy and remedies and are able to really get to the heart of a case when it can be challenging working with animals. I feel they both have a high level of expertise in understanding and working with animals cases. I am fortunate to have them on board!

  • Phyllis·

    Another great session with Rebecca and Dr Alex. So excited to know we have options to help our very anxious dog.

  • Anny·

    Dr. Alex and Rebecca have been amazing. They makes themselves available to you in your time of need. I feel like I can breathe knowing that they are on our team and I trust their expertise so much. Thank you so much for being there for our sweet furry babies.

  • Ambra·

    There is no more incredible moment than watching an animal at its very lowest moment receive the benefit of the correct remedy. Rebecca and Dr. Alex together worked the most amazing miracle in my young Jersey calf. They inspired me to keep going when I felt things were hopeless, they rejoiced in her recovery and worked together to find solutions when I didn't have the right remedy on hand. I couldn't be more thankful, for their time, understanding and amazing dedication.
    Ladies, you were nothing short of incredible and I have no words to thank you for your amazing efforts!

  • Phyllis·

    I finally have hope as to treat our horses ongoing hoof issue. Rebecca and Dr. Alex are amazing. I am so grateful to be able to have them helping us. This horse has been through a lot of trauma, neglect, abuse, and we’ve never been able to address that. They have given us the tools for that and I am looking forward to seeing an improvement in him. Thank you to both of them.

  • Jyl Kobernick·

    I started fostering a kitten that had a lot of issues, she was given meds by a vet that caused a severe reaction. Dr. Alex and Rebecca have been working with her to get her back to health since and they’ve been amazing! This little girl surely would not have made it without their help. While she was in the care of someone else for me, she had a major setback of probably 20 seizures in less than 24 hours. Not only were Dr. Alex and Rebecca able to get the seizures to stop, but she was playing within 6 hours of her last seizure. They have been there for every step of her progress. I can’t say enough good things about them and neither can the little Bean.

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